Am I My Brain? Personal Identity and Brain Identity - A Combined Philosophical and Psychological Investigation in Brain Implants
Georg Northoff
Philosophia Naturalis
Cortical midline structures and the self
Georg Northoff, Felix Bermpohl
TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences
Orbitofrontal Cortical Dysfunction in Akinetic Catatonia: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study During Negative Emotional Stimulation
Georg Northoff, Rolf Kotter, Frank Baumgart, Peter Danos, Heinz Boeker, Thomas Kaulisch, Florian Schlagenhauf, Henrik Walter, Alexander Heinzel, Thomas Witzel, Bernhard Bogerts
Schizophrenia Bulletin
Reciprocal Modulation and Attenuation in the Prefrontal Cortex: An fMRI Study on Emotional–Cognitive Interaction
Georg Northoff, Alexander Heinzel, Felix Bermpohl, Robert Niese, Andrea Pfenning, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Gottfried Schlaug
Human Brain Mapping
Resozialisierung von Maßregelvollzugspatienten – Ergebnisse der Unterbringung im Offenen Maßregelvollzug
Joachim G. Witzel, Georg Northoff, Raimund Köhne
Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
What is Neurophilosophy? A Methodological Account
Georg Northoff
Journal for General Philosophy of Science
Why do we need a philosophy of the brain?
Georg Northoff
TRENDS in Cognitive Science