Free Will and the Brain Neuroscientific, Philosophical, and Legal Perspectives
Georg Northoff
In: Walter Glannon (Ed.), Free Will and the Brain Neuroscientific, Philosophical, and Legal Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Are Q-Memories Empirically Realistic?
Georg Northoff
Philosophical Psychology
Autoepistemic limitation and the brain’s neural code Comment on “Neuroontology, neurobiological naturalism, and consciousness: A challenge to scientific reduction and a solution” by Todd E. Feinberg
Georg Northoff
Physics of Life Reviews
“Brain-Paradox” and “Embeddment” – Do We Need a “Philosophy of the Brain”?
Georg Northoff
Brain and Mind
First-Person Neuroscience: A new methodological approach for linking mental and neuronal states
Georg Northoff, Alexander Heinzel
Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities
How Can Searle Avoid Property Dualism? Epistemic-Ontological Inference and Autoepistemic Limitation
Georg Northoff, Kristina Musholt
Philosophical Psychology
Immanuel Kant's mind and the brain's resting state
Georg Northoff
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Is Appraisal ‘Embodied’ and ‘Embedded’? A Neurophilosophical Investigation of Emotions
Georg Northoff
Journal of Consciousness Studies
Kripke’s modal argument is challenged by his implausible conception of introspection
Alexander Heinzel, Georg Northoff
Kriterion—Journal of Philosophy
Minding the Brain
Georg Northoff
Palgrave Macmillan
Neurophilosophical Perspectives of Neuroimaging in Forensic Psychiatry—Giving Way to a Paradigm Shift?
Joachim Witzel, Martin Walter, Bernhard Bogerts, Georg Northoff
Behavioral Neuroscience and the Law
Neurophilosophie - ein neuer Ansatz in der Philosophie
Georg Northoff
Information Philosophie
Neurophilosophie Als Therapie
Georg Northoff
Argumente und Materialien zum Zeitgeschehen
Neurophilosophie: eine begriffliche und methodische Charakterisierung
Georg Northoff, A. Heinzel
Schweizer Archiv für Neurologie und Psychiatrie
Psychomotor Phenomena, Functional Brain Organization, and the Mind-Body Relationship: Do We Need a "Philosophy of the Brain"?
Georg Northoff
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology
Qualia and Ventral Prefrontal Cortical Function: Neurophenomological Hypothesis
Georg Northoff
Journal of Consciousness Studies
Qualia im Knotenpunkt zwischen Leib und Seele
Georg Northoff
Journal for General Philosophy of Science
Was ist Neurophilosophie?—Programmatische Charakterisierung eines neuen Ansatzes
Georg Northoff
Philosophia Naturalis
Was ist Neurophilosophie?
Georg Northoff
TW Neurologie Psychiatrie
Why do we need a philosophy of the brain?
Georg Northoff
TRENDS in Cognitive Science