L. L. Angeletti, A. Scalabrini, F. Galassi, G. Northoff. The Relational Self in Psychotherapy: Intersubjective and Intrasubjective Synchrony in Interpersonal Space In Y. Shapiro (Ed.) (2024). Psychodynamic Psychotherapy - A Global Perspective. Nova Science Publishers. New York
G. Northoff. Neuroscience of Ethics. In Farisco, M. (Ed.). (2024). Neuroethics and cultural diversity. John Wiley & Sons.
G. Northoff. Neurophilosophy. In C.G. Galizia, P.-M. Lledo (eds.), Neurosciences - From Molecule to Behavior: a University Textbook, 75 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-10769-6_5, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
G. Northoff. Brain Networks and the Emergence of the Self: A Neurophenomenal Perspective. In Diwadkar, V.A., B. Eickhoff, S. (eds) (2023). Brain Network Dysfunction in Neuropsychiatric Illness. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-59797-9_21
G. Northoff. Subjectivity in Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience - From World-Brain Relation over Neuro-Ecological Self to the Point of View. In T. Caspi, A. Govrin (Ed.) (2023): The Routledge International Handbook of Psychoanalysis and Philosophy
G. Northoff and D. Gorini. The hierarchical semantics of self. In Adolfo M. Garda & Agustfri lbaiiez (Ed.) (2022): The Routledge Handbook of Neuroserniotics. p.387-405
G. Northoff. Embrainment and Enculturation: Culture, Brain, and Self. In Chiao et al. (2021): The Oxford Handbook of Cultural Neuroscience and Global Mental Health. Oxford University Press. pp. 76-94
G.Northoff. Brain and Self – A Neurophilosophical Account. In Della Sala, S. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 3. Elsevier, pp. 432–438. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819641-0.00153-5. ISBN: 9780128196410
G. Northoff. Is free will an observer-based concept rather than a brain-based one? A critical neuroepistemological account. In Glannon, W. (Ed.). (2015). Free Will and the Brain: Neuroscientific, Philosophical, and Legal Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p.27-43
Georg Northoff. Brain Networks and the Emergence of the Self: A Neurophenomenal Perspective. In Brain Network Dysfunction in Neuropsychiatric Illness: Methods, Applications, and Implications
Georg Northoff. Neuroethics, Psychiatric Ethics (5 edn)
Georg Northoff. Anxiety Disorders and the Brain’s Resting State Networks: From Altered Spatiotemporal Synchronization to Psychopathological Symptoms
Georg Northoff. Brain and Mind in Psychiatry? Presuppositions of Cognitive Ontology
Nils-Frederic Wagner & Georg Northoff. Personal Identity and Brain Identity. In L. Syd M. Johnson & Karen Rommelfanger (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Neuroethics. Routledge. pp. 335-351 (2017)
Northoff, G. (in press). Does Task-Evoked Activity Entail Consciousness in Vegetative State? “Neuronal-Phenomenal Inference” versus “Neuronal-Phenomenal Dissociation”.
Northoff, G. (in press). Is free will an observer-based concept rather than a brain-based one? A critical neuroepistemological account. In: Walter Glannon (Ed.), Free Will and the Brain Neuroscientific, Philosophical, and Legal Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Northoff, G. (in press). Neurophilosophy. In Galizia, C.G. & Lledo, P-M. (Eds.), Neurosciences. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
Northoff, G. (2012). Functional and empirical presuppositions in Russell and Panksepp: Neural predispositions of affect. In Zachar, P. & Ellis, R.D. (Eds.), Categorical versus Dimensional Models of Affect: A Seminar on the Theories of Panksepp and Russell. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.
Northoff, G. (2011). Brain and religion: What are the neuronal and neuro-epistemic predispositions of religous belief? In Korsch, D. & Griffioen, A.L. (Eds.), Interpreting Religion. Tubingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck.
Northoff, G. (2011). Neurobiologische Grundlagen des phänomenalen Selbstbewusstseins. In Schiepek, G. (Ed.), Neurobiologie der Psychotherapie. Stuttgart, Germany: Schattauer.
Northoff, G. (2011). Psychotherapie und Gehirnaktivität. In Schubert, C. (Ed.), Psychoneuroimmunologie und Psychotherapie. Stuttgart, Germany: Schattauer.
Northoff, G. (2010). The brain and its self: Concepts of self and the cortical midline structures. In Han, S. & Poppel, E. (Eds.), Culture and Neural Frames of Cognition and Communication. Beijing, China: Springer.
Northoff, G. (2010). Sind wir nichts als Gehirn? Das Selbst und sein Gehirn. In Rosenzweig, R. (Ed.), Geistesblitz und Neuronendommer. Munster, Germany: Mentis.
Northoff, G. (2010). Pädophilie. In Müller, J. (Ed.), Neurobiologie forensisch-relevanter Störungen. Stuttgart, Germany: Kohlhammer.
Northoff, G. (2010). Selbst, Gehirn and Umwelt. In Persönlichkeitsstörungen, Theorie und Therapie, Selbstwahrnehmug und Selbstbild. Stuttgart, Germany: Schattauer.
Northoff, G. (2010). Psychonalyse und Wissenschaft Neurobiologische Grundlagen des phänomenalen Selbstbewusstseins Kortikale und subkortikale Prozesse. In Boker, H. (Ed.), Psychoanalyse im Dialog mit den Nachbarwissenschaften. Gießen, Germany: Psychosozial-Verlag.
Northoff, G. (2010). Freier Willie und Gehirn—eine neuro-relationale Hypothese. In Stompe, T. & Schanda, H. (Eds.), Der Freie Wille und die Schuldfähigkeit: In Recht, Psychiatrie und Neurowissenschaften. Berlin, Germany: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.
Northoff, G. Freiheit und Einbettung in die Umwelt - ein relationales neurophilosophisches Modell
Northoff, G. (2007). Katatonie—Biologie und Pathophyiologie. In Kircher, T. (Ed.), Kognitive Neuropsychologie der Schizophrenie. Berlin, Germany: Springer.
Northoff, G. (2007). Die Neurobiologie der Religion. In Muenter, N. (Ed.), Religion und Neurowissenschaften. Koln, Germany: Psychiatrie.
Northoff, G. (2007). Phenomenal time and the self in depression – a neurophenomenological hypothesis. In Fuchs, T. & Mundt, C. (Eds.), Phenomenology and Neuroscience of Time in Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
Northoff, G. (2006). Können wir unser eignes Gehirn als Gehirn erkennen? In Reichertz, J. & Zaboura, N. (Eds.), Akteur Gehirn – oder das vermeintliche Ende des handelnden Subjekts. Berlin, Germany: Springer.
Northoff, G. (2006). Was ist Selbst? Selbstbezognes Prozessing und seine neuronalen Korrelate. In Foerstl, H. (Ed.), Theory of mind. Berlin, Germany: DeGruyter.
Northoff, G. (2004). Brain imaging in catatonia. In Caroff, S. (Ed.), Catatonia: From Psychopathology to Neurobiology. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.
Northoff, G. (2004). Personal identity and brain transplants – a philosophical and empirical study. In Thome, J. & Schramme, J. (Eds.), Psychiatry and Philosophy. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
Heinzel, A. & Northoff, G. (2004). Kognitive Neurowissenschaft und Emotionen: Konzeptuelle Unmoeglichkeit oder fruchtbare Symbiose? In Krause, B.J. & Mueller-Gaertner, H.W. (Eds.), Bildgebung des Gehirns und Kognition. Munchen, Germany: EcoMed Verlag.
Northoff, G. (2004). Psychoanalyse und Neurowissenschaften: Kompatbilität! In Boeker, H. (Ed.), Psychoanalyse und Psychiatrie. Berlin, Germany: Springer.
Northoff, G. (2003). The self in philosophy, neuroscience and psychiatry: An epistemic approach. In David, A. & Kircher, T. (Eds.), The Self in Neuroscience and Psychiatry. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
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Northoff, G. (2002). Are we our brains? Personal identity and “philosophy of the brain“ – a combined ontological and empirical investigation. In Kanzian, C., Quitterer, J., & Runggaldier, E. (Eds.), Persons: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Proceedings of the 25th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Kirchberg Am Wechsel, Austria: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society.
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Northoff, G. (2002). Multilevel neuron and network modeling in computational neuroanatomy. In Gersen, S., Keagle, M. (Eds.), The Principles of Cytogenetics. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press Inc.
Northoff, G. (2001). Das Gehirn, der Leib und das Leib-Seele Problem. In Illhardt, F.J. (Ed.), Körper und Leib in der Psychiatrie. Stuttgart, Germany: Schattauer.
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