Postdoctoral fellow
Dr. Xiang-Qun Chen is the postdoctoral fellow in Mind, Brain Imaging and Neuroethics unit, Institute of Mental Health Research, University of Ottawa. Meanwhile, he is also the associate professor of department of philosophy in Nanchang University, China. Dr. Xiang-Qun Chen obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degree in Nanchang University, where he majored in English and philosophy of science & technology. After that, he continued to study philosophy of science & technology in Southeast University and obtained his PhD degree.
Dr. Xiang-Qun Chen’s research interest focus on two aspects: one is quantum consciousness which specifies on the topics such as quantum theory of consciousness, many world/minds interpretation of quantum mechanics, Orch OR theory; and the other is neurophilosophy which is an interdisciplinary subject interacted between neuroscience and philosophy. The topics including mind-body problem, self and consciousness and how neurophilosophy explain them in an intersubjective view. He was always driven by the question: Why and how the material brain creates the spiritual mind? Dr. Xiang-Qun Chen has published his own works Quantum Method on mystery of Consciousness and Its Philosophical Studies (《意识之谜量子方法的哲学探究》), as well as works of translation authored by Georg Northoff, Neurophilosophy and Healthy Mind (《病脑启示》), The Spontaneous Brain (《自发的大脑》),Minding the Brain (《留心大脑》).